Open calls and opportunities for artists and art practitioners

Along with announcements of our year-round open calls and grants, which support emerging and established artists working in contemporary art, Sharjah Art Foundation has compiled a list of reputable local, regional and international open calls, educational opportunities, grants and residencies in other institutions. In keeping with the Foundation’s commitment to supporting the art community, this reference tool is updated on a regular basis.

International Open Call 2024–2025
apexart, New York
Deadline: 1 March 2024

apexart's open calls are opportunities for artists, curators and other professionals from any region of the world to turn a curatorial idea into an apexart exhibition. Winning proposals become part of apexart’s next exhibition season and receive funding and staff support. apexart is not a granting organisation; all exhibitions are part of apexart’s programming.

Residency Open Call for Artists Based in Pakistan
Gasworks, London
Deadline: 4 March 2024

This opportunity for an early-career artist based in Pakistan offers a fully funded 11-week residency at Gasworks in London from 1 July to 16 September 2024. Gasworks residencies are opportunities for self-led professional development, artistic exchange and experimentation.

The North Africa Cultural Program | Cycle II
The Arab Fund for Arts and Culture, Beirut
Deadline: 5 March 2024

The North Africa Cultural Program (NACP) | Cycle II (2024-2027), dedicated to five countries in North Africa (namely, Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia), comprises two support schemes: the National Cultural Opportunities Fund and the Regional Competitive Creativity Fund.

Both funds aim to strengthen independent arts and culture entities, including institutions, collectives, networks and spaces, with an emphasis on regional partnerships. There is also a particular focus on engaging young audiences and extending outreach to underserved or remote areas beyond urban centres. Furthermore, NACP provides tailored capacity-building, training and mentorship opportunities to organisations and projects it supports within the programme.

Residency Open Call for Artists Based in India
Gasworks, London
Deadline: 11 March 2024

This opportunity for an early-career artist based in India offers a fully funded 11-week residency at Gasworks in London from 1 July to 16 September 2024. Gasworks provides significant pastoral and curatorial support throughout the residency; however, artists are expected to be proactive and self-motivated and lead the research and production of their work while in London.

Misk Art Grant 2024
Misk Art Institute, Riyadh
Deadline: 15 March 2024

The 2024 Misk Art Grant invites emerging and mid-career artists from the Middle East and North Africa to explore phenomena shaped by modern technologies such as constant connectivity, data analytics and algorithmic systems. How have these technologies reconfigured human experiences and engagements with the world?

The selected artworks will shed light on the interplay between technological progress and underlying social dimensions while encouraging critical reflection on the tools and processes that shape perception today.

The information shared here has been sourced from the online platforms of the listed institutions.