Simone Fattal
Abdel Wahab
154.5 x 80 x 60 cm
A painter, book publisher, sculptor and ceramicist, Fattal draws from the deep wells of spirituality, mythology and archaeology to give new life to seemingly archaic forms, testing out a universal language. While in conversation with ancient references like the Epic of Gilgamesh or Adam and Eve, her work is irrevocably imprinted with the artist’s own experiences, including her childhood in Damascus, her time painting in a light-filled studio in Beirut, and her early experiments with sculpture, made while living in California. Her 2006 sculptures, Abdel Wahab and Zhat El Himma—fired in the same kiln—animate two central figures from Sirat Delhemma, an epic following a female warrior’s battle against the Byzantines. While today the epic is little-known, Fattal endows the sculptures with a timelessness and resilience.