Thilo Frank

Thilo Frank

1978, Waiblingen, Gemany
Lives and works in Berlin, Germany

Physical phenomena and everyday environments are interpreted in new contexts that emphasise our perceptions of light, space and motion in a poetic and playful manner. Thilo Frank has created permanent public artworks in Copenhagen and Hjallerup, Denmark, and has exhibited in shows in Europe, including Treffpunkt: Berlin, ARKEN Museum for Moderne Kunst, Ishøj, Denmark (2012); Parallelwelt Zirkus, Kunsthalle Wien, Austria (2012); Metrospective 1.0, Future Gallery and PROGRAM, Berlin (2011) and Circus Hein, FRAC Orléans and Atelier Calder Saché, France (2009). This person was part of Sharjah Biennial 11