Tamar Guimarães’s organises intimate gatherings, collective readings and small-scale talks and film screenings, in an attempt to create transient micro-communities and minor public events; these, at times, turn into dramaturgical experiments staged for the camera. Guimarães’s recent exhibitions include solo shows at the Jeu de Paume satellite space in Nogent-sur-Marne, Paris (2012, with Kasper Akhøj); Gasworks, London (2011) and Artspace, Sydney, Australia (2010). Group exhibitions include the São Paulo Bienal, Brazil (2010); No Soul for Sale, Tate Modern, London, and Le Plateau, Paris (2010); Gwangju Biennale, Korea (2008) and the Guangzhou Triennial, China (2008). This person was part of Sharjah Biennial 11