Khaled Jarrar

Khaled Jarrar

1976, Jenin, Palestine
lives and works in Ramallah, Palestine

In 2012, Khaled Jarrar’s work was featured in the Dubai International Film Festival, UAE; Art and Life in Palestine, Qalandiya International, Palestine; Newtopia: The State of Human Rights, various venues, Mechelen, Belgium; Truth Is Concrete, Graz, Austria; Middle East Europe, SPACE, Bratislava, Slovakia; Berlin Biennale, Germany and Navigations: Palestinian Video Art, 1988–2011, Barbican Centre, London. His first exhibition, in 2007, took place in public space, at the Israeli military checkpoints of Huwwara and Qalandiya; here he presented photographs showing the daily adversity faced by Palestinians, who are not allowed to move freely. This person was part of Sharjah Biennial 11