Solange Oliveira Farkas is a curator whose work has provided a platform for contemporary video art, with a particular focus on the global south. She has a strong interest in the influence of video as an art form and the relationship between video and other mediums. Farkas is chief curator and general director of the Contemporary Art Festival SESC_Videobrasil, which she founded in 1983. She has also curated shows for FUSO - Video Art Annual International Exhibition, Lisbon (2011–2014 and 2017); Dak’Art - Biennial of Contemporary African Art, Senegal (2016); 6th Jakarta International Video Festival (2013); Sharjah Biennial 10 (2011); 16th Cerveira Biennial, Portugal (2011); Joseph Beuys: We Are the Revolution, Sesc Pompeia, São Paulo and Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia, Salvador, Brazil (2010–2011); Roteiro Amarrado [Tied-up script], CCBB, Rio de Janeiro (2010); Sophie Calle – Cuide de você [Take care of yourself], Sesc Pompeia, São Paulo and Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia, Salvador (2009) and Suspensão e Fluidez, ARCO, Madrid (2007). Farkas was the recipient of the Montblanc de la Culture Arts Patronage Award (2017), and she is a member of the jury committee for the EYE Art & Film Prize, Amsterdam; prize committee for the Prince Claus Fund Award and consulting board of Pivô, an art space in São Paulo. She served as a guest juror at the 10th Rencontres de Bamako, African Photography Biennial, Mali (2015). Born in 1955 in Bahia, Brazil, she currently lives and works in São Paulo.