In Shiro Takatani's solo activities, he has directed visuals for several theatre productions, including Ryuichi Sakamoto’s opera LIFE (1999, Tokyo and Osaka, Japan) and Moriaki Watanabe’s Mallarmé Project – Igitur (2011, Kyoto Performing Arts Center). He developed his own performance work, La Chambre Claire, during a three-week residency in Halle, Germany, where it received its world premiere in 2008 as part of the Theater der Welt festival before touring to Madrid and Barcelona, Spain and Marseille, France. His most recent performance, Chroma, opened in 2012 at the Biwako Hall Center for the Performing Arts, Shiga, Japan. Takatani also creates video installations, among which are IRIS, 2001, made in collaboration with Fujiko Nakaya, a fog sculptor, for the 2001 Valencia Bienal, Spain; LIFE – fluid, invisible, inaudible . . . , 2007, a collaboration with Sakamoto,commissioned by the Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media (YCAM), Japan and CLOUD FOREST, 2010, another collaboration with Nakaya, also commissioned by YCAM. This person was part of Sharjah Biennial 11