Through oral documentation, multidisciplinary collaboration and wordplay, Mounira Al Solh bears witness to the impact of conflict and displacement across the region. The collectively embroidered tent A day is as long as a year (2022) replicates the imperial tent of the nineteenth-century Qajar monarch Muhammad Shah and transforms it into a venue of shared empowerment and solidarity for the collaborating female embroiderers, many of them refugees and asylum seekers. Surrounding the tent are portraits of displaced people and migrants the artist interviewed during her research, titled I strongly believe in our right to be frivolous (2014–ongoing). She, they, we all had it with the 99 names of the Flower (2022) is a selection of banner-like tapestries with portraits of prominent women from the Arab and broader Islamic world.
Mounira Al Solh
A day is as long as a year
Silkscreen, paint and hand-embroidered textile on henna-coloured organic hemp, tea- dyed canvas, cotton, felt and various other fabrics; wooden and metal structure; and sound piece
400 x 400 (diameter) cm
She, they, we all had it with the 99 names of the flower
Paint, pencil, and hand and machine embroidery on linen and cotton
Dimensions variable
I strongly believe in our right to be frivolous
Mixed media drawings on legal paper
28 x 21 cm (each)
Courtesy of the artist and Sfeir-Semler Gallery, Beirut and Hamburg