Hylozoic/Desires (Himali Singh Soin & David Soin Tappeser)

Hylozoic/Desires (Himali Singh Soin and David Soin Tappeser) is an artist duo whose work combines poetry and music to conjure speculative futures and multiverses. They aspire towards a flat ontological ether in which all forms of life—stone, spirit, machine and human—are equal, as they skew the linear imagination of time and space to produce divergences that elicit critical wonder. The research of Hylozoic/Desires orbits (non)place and histories of migration, transnationalism and environmental cosmism to learn from the multiple materialities of contemporary existence. They are also concerned with the (poly)rhythms of love and the bea(s)t of belonging. Hylozoic/Desires use metaphor as an event, as a force of attraction that melds otherwise distant entities.