Ndidi Dike

Ndidi Dike is an internationally renowned British Nigerian artist. Born in London, she returned to Nigeria, where she trained as a painter and taught herself to sculpt. In the current climate of contemporary practices, Dike primarily works as a sculptor/multimedia artist with a special interest in personal archives, the history of the enslaved, long-term researched-based projects and engagement with pre- and post-extractive industrial complexes of global histories. Her use of materiality, metaphors and objects aesthetically carries the tangible weight and implicitness of wider references and symbolisms to their former economic, social and political lives. She experiments with found objects, prints and sculptures to juxtapose realities and imagination. Dike has been exhibiting her works in important museums and biennials, including the Jogja Biennale, Sonsbeek, the Dakar Biennale, the Lagos Biennial, South London Gallery and Tate Modern, and she recently represented Nigeria in a group exhibit at the 60th Venice Biennale (2024).