Sherif El Azma

1975, Manchester, United Kingdom.

His work questions the ready inscription of tradition upon and through media language, particularly its Egyptian variants, and is keen to understand how history is layered through representations of city space. For the past few years, Sherif El Azma has been contributing to an evolving and collaborative project entitled The Psycho-Geography of Loose Associations which weaves its way through text, photography, diary entries, diagrams, fiction, video footage and the informational lecture format. Of central concern within this work are the social dynamics, modes of cultural integration and organisational systems operating within cosmopolitan environments, particularly those of Cairo s new quarters. El Azma's work has been shown at institutions and events as varied as: the Venice Biennial (Egypt Pavilion), the Camden Arts Centre, Ashkal Alwan and the Zico House, Beirut, HAU Berlin, Witte De Witte Center for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam, Townhouse Gallery, Cairo, Meeting Points Festival, Brussels, Bethanien, Berlin, the Alexandria Library, the Modern Art Museum, Kiel and the Contemporary Image Collective, Cairo. Most recently El Azma worked with Nermine El-Ansari on a contribution to the Transit 1 show at the Museo Madre, Naples (2009) and his work was part of Pictorial Mappings of Islam and Modernity, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin (2010). This person was part of Sharjah Biennial 9