Sancintya Mohini Simpson

Sancintya Mohini Simpson is a descendent of indentured labourers sent from India to work on colonial sugar plantations in South Africa. Her work navigates the complexities of migration, memory and trauma—addressing gaps and silences within the colonial archive. The artist moves between painting, video, poetry and performance to develop narratives and construct rituals that reflect on her maternal lineage. Simpson is an artist, poet and researcher based in Meeanjin (Brisbane), Australia.
Recent solo exhibitions include Artist’s Rooms: Sancintya Mohini Simpson, Jameel Arts Centre, Dubai (2024); par-parā / phus-phusā, Tales of Land and Sea, Bundanon Art Museum, Shoalhaven (2024); ām / ammā / mā maram, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Perth (2023), and The Condensery—Somerset Regional Art Gallery, Toogoolawah (2024); Kūlī nām dharāyā/ they’ve given you the name ‘coolie’, Institute of Modern Art Belltower, Brisbane (2020); Echoes Over Oceans, Firstdraft, Sydney (2020); and Remnants of my ancestors, Hobiennale, Hobart (2019).