The 16th edition of Sharjah Art Foundation’s annual March Meeting (MM 2024), running from 1 to 3 March 2024, brings together collectives whose embodied practices consciously intertwine diverse forms of artmaking and community building. This edition comprises of talks, panel discussions, lectures, workshops, breakout sessions, performances and other formats of social engagement.


The 2024 theme Tawashujat is the Arabic word referring to intertwining, coming together or the meeting of thoughts and ideas, which represents the program’s focus on collaboratively imagining more inclusive, equitable, sustainable and livable futures. March Meeting 2024: Tawashujat explores collaborative methods that reappraise artistic, curatorial and activist approaches to reconfigure the role of art and artists in our current times. It also looks at the myriad forms of coming together, such as learning platforms, activist movements, and publishing, which can serve as toolkits for social justice, solidarity and political mobilisation.


With its emphasis on critical encounters through the sharing of knowledge among artists, scholars, students and cultural producers, March Meeting has historically been a site for convening, debating, listening and engendering transregional solidarities. MM 2024 draws attention to collectives who work in communities to advance social justice through relational and cooperative practices.


MM 2024 invites participants to radically reimagine more inclusive, equitable, sustainable and liveable futures through various forms of cultural and knowledge production in collective practices. How does collaborative work enhance notions of artistic agency, especially in moments of global unrest? Can the mutual sharing of artistic and cultural resources help us navigate precarity, stimulate dialogue and encourage equity?

1–3 March 2024

Khalid Bin Mohammed School

Al Mureijah Square, Sharjah