Fehras Publishing Practices

Est. 2015, Berlin
Live and work in Berlin

Drawing on the long, rich history of publishing in the Eastern Mediterranean, North Africa and the diaspora (EMNA), Fehras Publishing Practices considers the stakes of contemporary publishing in and beyond print culture. Their collective approach to researching the issue of ‘publishing’ involves observation of and experimentation with its forms in order to extend the terms of publishing and create a new culture of critical engagement. Research undertaken by Fehras Publishing Practices is part of a long-term programme to develop different series about forms of publishing such as print, audio, encounters and exhibitions. Dealing with various materials and topics, these series are titled the Series of Disappearances, Series of Institutional Terms and Series of Listenings. The work of Fehras Publishing Practices has been featured in international exhibitions and performances, including Waiting Trajectory, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin (2017); El Usman Faroqhi Here and a Yonder: On Finding Poise in Disorientation, SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin (2017); Klassensprachen, District Kunst- und Kulturförderung, Berlin (2017); Disappearances. Appearances. Publishing, Villa Romana, Florence (2017); Sharjah Biennial 13: Tamawuj (2017); Something to Generate From, Kunsthal Aarhaus, Denmark (2016); Apricots from Damascus, SALT Galata, Istanbul (2015–2016); Better Place, galerie KUB, Leipzig (2015) and When the library was stolen, Flutgraben e.V., Berlin, (2015). Fehras Publishing Practices was founded in Berlin in 2015 by Kenan Darwich, Omar Nicolas and Sami Rustom. Darwich was born in Damascus in 1981, Nicolas in Homs in 1987, and Rustom in Aleppo in 1988. The trio currently live and work in Berlin. These artists were part of Sharjah Biennial 13.