Lubaina Himid

Lubaina Himid

b. 1954, Zanzibar
Lives and works in Preston, UK

Artist, curator and educator Lubaina Himid has carved a unique path in art by challenging the boundaries of painting and expanding its possibilities. Initially trained in theatre design and later in cultural history, Himid evinces a profound interest in the opera in her work and offers a fresh perspective on the historically male-dominated field of painting. Her work breathes life into imagined figures, animated in everyday objects such as carts, drawers and doors or in painted interiors and seascapes. These meticulously crafted scenes invite viewers into the hidden realms and existences of individuals overlooked by historical narratives. Himid's work is widely considered a cornerstone of the British Black Movement. Spanning paintings, installations, exhibition making, sound and writing, her practice challenges the historical erasure of the African diaspora's contributions. Her singular voice, a beacon in the British and international cultural landscape, posits new frames of artistic imagination.