Sharjah Art Foundation

Sharjah Biennial 16

Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
6 Febuary — 15 June 2025

Camar Candes Journey, 2011

Abdullah Al Saadi
Camar Candes Journey, 2011
Installation, 152 watercolour paintings, video
Dimensions variable
Commissioned by Sharjah Art Foundation


Join Emirati Artist Abdullah Al Saadi and his donkey as he talks about his Sharjah Biennial 10 Commission Camar Cande’s Journey on Monday, 9 May at 7:15 pm in the courtyard in front of the Sharjah Art Museum.

For Sharjah Biennial 10 the artist chronicled his trek through the northern region of the UAE and Oman. Accompanied by a donkey named Camar Cande and a dog, the artist documented the landscapes encountered on this journey with photographs, video and watercolour paintings.

In this special event, Al Saadi will share images of this expedition and stories of his experiences during the journey and the creation of this deeply personal work.

This event is free and open to the public and will be in Arabic.


Abdullah Al Saadi on Camar Cande’s Journey

Camar Cande’s Journey

Camar Cande’s Journey chronicles a trek Abdullah Al Saadi took through the northern region of the United Arab Emirates and Oman.

Abdullah Al Saadi on Camar Cande’s Journey

Al Saadi, Abdullah

Abdullah Al Saadi’s work ranges from painting, drawing and the creation of lengthy artists’ notebooks to the collection and systematic categorisation of found objects and the invention of new alphabets.