Sharjah Art Foundation

Sharjah Biennial 16

Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
6 Febuary — 15 June 2025

After All Springville, Disasters and Amusement Parks, Miet Warlop.Performance view.Image © Reinout Hiel

After All Springville: 6th and 7th of December 8:30 pm, Bait Obaid Al Shamsi (Duration: 45 mins)


Miet Warlop blends theatre and visual art in her compelling performative works. In her performances, an unfettered, childlike imagination seems to be set loose on stage, and chaos and order find themselves endlessly at odds. Fantastically humorous yet insidiously unsettling, Warlop’s performances feature creatures that are engaged in unpredictable, but somehow oddly familiar actions.

In After All Springville: Disasters and Amusement Parks, a riveting narrative unfolds around a cardboard house, with fantastical characters that have hybrid bodies—half-human, half-object. The artist employs slapstick comedy to recount the tale of a despondent community via small quotidian dramas that lead to mirthfully embarrassing situations.

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