Sharjah Art Foundation

Sharjah Biennial 16

Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
6 Febuary — 15 June 2025


Ismail Al Rifai moderating the panel, titled New Visions Case Study: Art as an Act of Change and Resistance, with Nabil Anani, Sliman Mansour, Tayseer Barakat, Vera Tamari (New Visions) at March Meeting. Sharjah Art Foundation, 2024. Photo: Motaz Mawid


Palestinian artists Vera Tamari, Sliman Mansour, Nabil Anani and Tayseer Barakat have long been credited with transforming the artistic and cultural scene in occupied Palestine, shaping the visual identity of Palestinian resistance art from the 1970s until the present.

These key figures will discuss the emergence of the New Visions group in 1988, after the first intifada in 1987 and its profound impact on all aspects of Palestinian life, including the emergence of new modes of thinking and artistic production. This rekindled hope for liberation and emancipation resulted in a radical overhaul of the very concept and aspiration of artistic practice as an essential component of popular resistance.

This discussion will address the historical and political background in Palestine that led to the inception of New Visions; the group’s establishment and its role as a bridge between local fine art practices and contemporary currents in the Palestinian art movement.

Watch the video here