Sharjah Art Foundation

Sharjah Biennial 16

Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
6 Febuary — 15 June 2025

Remote Karlsruhe, Rimini Protokoll. From the project ‘Remote X'. Performance view: Karlsruhe 2015. Image © Florian Merdes / Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe.

Registration starts at 4:15 pm. The performance begins at 4.30 pm; latecomers cannot join the group.

11, 12, 13 November 2022 (English, Arabic and Urdu)
18, 19, 20 November 2022 (English, Arabic and Malayalam)
9, 10, 11 December 2022 (English, Arabic and Urdu)
6, 7, 8 January 2023 (English, Arabic and Malayalam)


Remote X addresses the imminent reality of artificial intelligence in the cities of the future. The performance, a kind of mobile research experimental lab, has been presented in many places across the world, from the Americas to eastern and western Europe, Russia and India. For each new edition, a unique dramatic structure is developed, based on the urban fabric of the hosting site.

In Remote Sharjah, a computer-generated voice will guide the participants as they walk through a sequence of carefully selected indoor and outdoor locations in the city centre. While strolling through the city, each person will see familiar and unfamiliar sites come to life, as if immersed in a set for an imaginary film.

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