Sharjah Art Foundation

Sharjah Biennial 16

Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
6 Febuary — 15 June 2025

Course description

Stories of Cinema in the Maghreb
With Touda Bouanani (Intilak Collective)
Ages 17+

Date: Saturday, 2 March
Timings: 9:30 am–1:30 pm
Location: Khalid Bin Mohammed School, Sharjah
Languages: English and French

During this lecture-style workshop Touda Bouanani of Intilak Collective leads participants through the group’s research and study of groundbreaking historical films from post-independence Maghreb countries.

Participants will view excerpts from iconic films such as Assia Djebar’s La Zerda ou les chants de l'oubli (1982) and discuss the postcolonial representation of marginalised female voices and filmmakers from the Maghreb. Choice excerpts from Intilak’s publications En attendant Omar Gatlato (2023) and Ahmed Bounani’s La Septième Porte—Une histoire du cinéma au Maroc de 1907 à 1986 (2021) will help participants further expand their knowledge of post-independence Maghrebi cinema.


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