
Mohamad Hafeda is a doctoral candidate in Architectural Design at the Bartlett school of architecture, University College of London, UK. He has an MA in Public Art and Spatial Design from Chelsea College of Art and Design, London (2004), and a BA in Interior Architecture from the Institute of Fine Arts, The Lebanese University, Beirut (2001). He previously taught design at the Lebanese American University and the American University of Beirut (2005-2009). Hafeda is a Founding Partner of Febrik, a collaborative platform for participatory art and design research active in Palestinian refugee camps and London housing estates. Febrik’s work has been exhibited at South London Gallery, Mosaic Rooms, and the Victoria and Albert Museum, in London (2012). The project Negotiating Spaces of Conflict has been shown in exhibitions including Cities Methodologies, UCL (2010-2012) and Exposure 2012, Beirut Art Center (2012-13). In 2012 the project received the Arab Fund for Arts and Culture Grant for Visual Arts. Hafeda co-edited Narrating Beirut from its Borderlines (Heinrich Böll Foundation, Beirut, 2011) and co-authored Creative Refuge, a forthcoming publication from Febrik.