
Vantage Point Sharjah 1

Vantage Point Sharjah
Opening reception

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Vantage Point Sharjah 1  Image

Vantage Point Sharjah 1

Vantage Point Sharjah
Installation view

Vantage Point Sharjah 1 Image

Vantage Point Sharjah 2

Vantage Point Sharjah 2
Opening reception

Vantage Point Sharjah 2 Image

Vantage Point Sharjah 2

Vantage Point Sharjah 2
Installation view

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The exhibition Vantage Point Sharjah began with an Open Call for submissions announced in early summer 2013. It was an invitation to photographers based in the UAE to explore the Emirate of Sharjah and produce works that could be submitted for review by Sharjah Art Foundation. If selected, the photographs would be shown in a group exhibition in one of SAF’s new art spaces.

The first Vantage Point Sharjah exhibition was held from September 7 to December 7, 2013 and included 100 images by 41 participants representing 20 nationalities. In 2013, the exhibition’s focus was the ‘Life and Landscapes of Sharjah’. The exhibition presented a broad selection of responses to the Open Call and included work by professional photographers and artists as well as photographs taken by individuals with an active interest and passion for photography. The varied approaches to the landscape and life of Sharjah reflected the growing enthusiasm for photography as an artistic medium and offered viewers an opportunity to enjoy the work of local photographers.

In 2014 Vantage Point Sharjah 2 called for photographs that centred on the theme of portraits and people in the UAE. The resulting exhibition was on view from August 30 through November 30, 2014 in the Sharjah Art Foundation Art Spaces.

This annual exhibition is one of Sharjah Art Foundationʼs many initiatives focused on public programming and community outreach. We hope these initiatives will encourage people living and working in the UAE to participate in our activities and to become more engaged with the cultural life of the Emirates.


An Open Call and theme is announced every summer. Please sign up to our newsletter or e-mail us at for more information.


Vantage Point Sharjah

Vantage Point Sharjah 6

Vantage Point Sharjah 6 (VPS6) is the sixth iteration of Sharjah Art Foundation’s annual initiative supporting the practice of photography within the GCC.

Vantage Point Sharjah

Vantage Point Sharjah 5

Vantage Point Sharjah 5 (VPS5) is the fifth iteration of Sharjah Art Foundation’s annual initiative, supporting the practice of photography within the GCC.

Vantage Point Sharjah

Vantage Point Sharjah 4

Vantage Point Sharjah 4 (VPS4) is the fourth iteration of Sharjah Art Foundation’s annual initiative, supporting the practice of photography within the GCC.

Vantage Point Sharjah

Vantage Point Sharjah 3

Vantage Point Sharjah 3 is the third iteration of one of the Sharjah Art Foundation’s initiatives that focus on public programming and community outreach.

Vantage Point Sharjah

Vantage Point Sharjah 2

A wide range of photographers are included in Vantage Point Sharjah - an exhibition reflecting varied photographic approaches to the landscape and life of Sharjah.

Saturday 6.07.2024