Isofollies, 2007

Suchan Kinoshita
Isofollies, 2007
Wrapped waste from exhibition installation
Installation view


They were different tribes. They did have one thing in common, I heard from his story. The people in that reliving of mine of his remembrance don’t speak to each other the way do we in North Western Europe. They don’t speak in our remarkably affected construction-like manner, whereby we exclude almost the whole world. The talking was a talking that was not practical for activists. Every one said what was bothering him or her, the water supply, minor and major urgencies, activism too. Why not. For hours on end, until the conversation became a conversation by itself.

From such talk something approaching a consensus can grow, or something can grow which coheres in the way the world coheres, or an image of the world coheres.

An extract from Das Fragment an sich, written in collaboration between Bart de Baere and Suchan Kinoshit

This project was part of Sharjah Biennial 8.
