
In the Russian language the word for “creative work” (“tvorchestvo”) shares a root with the word for “Creator” (“Tvorets”). The word for “art” (“iskusstvo”) shares a root with the word for “Tempter” (“Iskusitel”). Formerly, when artists still believed in God, they created. Today, when most artists do not believe in anything, they make art. There is no creation left in art. What is an honest artist to do? I have found a partial answer to that question. Since I require a viewer and I am doomed to self-conscious aesthetic reflection, I cannot be absolutely honest and sincere. But I know that every day hundreds of millions of people discover their connection with God in some way when they create. The act of creation has no need of evaluation and argumentation. It is self-sufficient. The visually most interesting traces left by creation are those that have not been subject to conscious aesthetic assessment by their creators. All that is required is to find them and present them in a skilful manner. The right of choice is mine. I spent a long time searching for and selecting a modern folk phenomenon (which as yet has no name) as an example: millions of people throughout the world create unique everyday items for themselves. I interview them, take photographs, show their things in exhibitions... In this way, I combine creative work that is someone else’s (but is not anonymous) with my art...

This project was part of Sharjah Biennial 8.
