One Hundred Thousand Solitudes, 2012

Tony Chakar
One Hundred Thousand Solitudes, 2012
Video documentation of lecture performance
Photo by Alfredo Rubio


One Hundred Thousand Solitudes examines images that have emerged from the Arab revolutions and from different Occupy movements throughout the world.

These images lead to the declaration of the coming of Messianic times – without a Messiah: the dead coming back to life, rivers turning into blood, people speaking in one tongue, the last becoming first, the reversal of historical order, men turning into women and vice versa.


This project was part of Sharjah Biennial 11


One Hundred Thousand Solitudes

Tony Chakar

Video documentation of lecture performance
Photo by Alfredo Rubio

One Hundred Thousand Solitudes Image


One Hundred Thousand Solitudes

Chakar, Tony

Tony Chakar is an architect, artist and writer whose work incorporates literature, philosophy and theory.