Portrait of the Sheikh, 2009

Halil Altindere
Portrait of the Sheikh, 2009
Oil on canvas, gold frame, safe case
Installation view
Photo by Alfredo Rubio

Artist Statement

I received an invitation from Sharjah Biennial 9 on November 2008 to create a site-specific project and then I went for a three day trip to Sharjah.

The idea for my project emerged when I saw the portrait of Sheikh Sultan, hanging at the entrance to the Sharjah Museum.

The work takes a classical portrait of the Sheikh but positions it on hinges and at an angle that reveals a safe embedded in the wall behind it.


Excerpted from Provisions, Book 1, catalogue for the 9th Sharjah Biennial

This project was part of Sharjah Biennial 9

Artwork Images

ortrait of the Sheikh

Halil Altindere

Oil on canvas, gold frame, safe case
Installation view
Photo by Alfredo Rubio

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ortrait of the Sheikh Image

ortrait of the Sheikh

Halil Altindere

Oil on canvas, gold frame, safe case
Installation view
Photo by Alfredo Rubio

ortrait of the Sheikh Image

ortrait of the Sheikh

Halil Altindere

Oil on canvas, gold frame, safe case
Installation view
Photo by Alfredo Rubio

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Portrait of the Sheikh

Altindere, Halil

In his critical and political approach, artist and filmmaker Halil Altındere explores political, social and cultural codes, focusing on depicting marginalisation and resistance to oppressive systems.