
Over more than 34 years, since the establishment of the Sharjah National Theatre, all its cultural and artistic activities have been documented, whether they took place at the theatre or Sharjah at large. This archive does not only document the history of the theatre movement in the Emirates, but the nature of the cultural, artistic and ideological life in the Arab region as a whole, along with the political, intellectual, social changes and various art and cultural work discourses over more than a quarter of a century.

These events and activities are documented in over 500 VHS tapes, comprising a treasure for contemporary artists or specialized researchers.

The programme ‘The Past of the Coming Days’ includes many artworks by contemporary Artists whose works are based on various material from a number of archives, whether personal, official or public. The presentation of this rich archive through this programme offers endless potential for future artworks and research.

This project was part of Sharjah Biennial 9