The New Film, 2008

Raed Yassin
The New Film, 2008
12 minutes
Installation view
Photo by Alfredo Rubio

Artist Statement

When I was in Cairo last year, I was interviewing Egyptian actors for my new film. In an interview with Farouk Al Fishawi he confessed that Mahmoud Hemeda stole the lead role from him in the new Mohammad Khan film – The President. I looked at Him, and said, 'But I heard that Mahmoud Yassin is going to do the role of the president.' He looked a bit nervous, 'What!!! This guy can’t even act the role of the foreign minister!' I apologised immediately, 'Sorry I mean Mahmoud Abed Al Aziz is going to do the role, not Mahmoud Yassin, I just mixed up the three Mahmouds'. After moments of silence he replied, 'I don’t know why film directors in this country don’t give the right role to the right actor' and left whistling the national anthem.

This project was part of Sharjah Biennial 9