
Rain Room, Sharjah

Sharjah Art Foundation presents Rain Room for the first time in the Middle East. The installation is permanently sited in Al Majarrah, Sharjah.

Random International

Rain Room, Sharjah


The Interview

These opening lines introduce The Interview, an indirect narration of the real-life story of Dr Abdul Nabi, an Iraqi doctor who came to the United States in 2008.

Işıl Eğrikavuk

The Interview

Ayouha al Arabe is a montage of sonic raw materials in search of remixers to turn it into revolution rock / dub / electro / poetry / ambient sound / a social media soundtrack — or what you will.

Un-Drum 2/ The Chinese Connection

Un-Drum 2/ The Chinese Connection

Tarek Atoui

Un-drum is a complex interaction between music composition, body movement, performance and computer and electronic engineering.

Beirut Caoutchouc

Beirut Caoutchouc

Marwan Rechmaoui

First shown in Sharjah Biennial 7 and now part of the Sharjah Art Foundation Collection, Beirut Caoutchouc is one of Rechmaoui’s best known works.

A Monument for the Living

A Monument for the Living

Marwan Rechmaoui

A Monument for the Living is a human-scale replica of the notorious Burj al Murr, a derelict concrete high-rise that towers over downtown Beirut.

God Grows on Trees

God Grows on Trees

Abbas Hamra

God Grows on Trees seeks to speak at once about religion, fear, hope, humanity, love and commoditisation.

In This is a Sign for Those Who Reflect

In This is a Sign for Those Who Reflect

Abbas Hamra

Men take off their shoes before entering into a large room to sit close to each other in a circle. Women do the same on the other side of a curtain that separates them from the men.

Have a Pleasant Stay!

Have a Pleasant Stay!

Samira Badran

With Have a Pleasant Stay! I wanted to create a space for reflection and empathy, a visual and physical metaphor of the concept of suffocation and claustrophobia.

Inheritance: Reclaiming Native Peoples and Places

Inheritance: Reclaiming Native Peoples and Places

Melissa Chimera and Adele Ne Jame

Melissa Chimera created a series of oil paintings of white flowers, displayed in tandem with Ne Jame’s poems which evoke humanity’s connection to the seen and unseen world.

Airmail Paintings

Airmail Paintings

Eugenio Dittborn

The following is a text in progress, dating back to 1985 and now published in its eighth state; it is the Ars Pictorica of the Airmail Paintings:

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