Manthia Diawara: Angela Davis–A World of Greater Freedom

Manthia Diawara speaks about his film ‘Angela Davis: A World of Greater Freedom’ (2023), which premiered at Sharjah Biennial 15.

Spliced with archival excavations of photographs, drawings, writings and speeches, the film centres the dialogue between activist and writer Davis and Diawara. It unpacks the principles at the core of Davis’ philosophy, offering a toolbox of keywords and statements by Davis that deconstruct and contextualise contemporary meanings of life and ecology.

The film was commissioned by Sharjah Art Foundation with major funding from the Mellon Foundation, co-commissioned by TBA21 Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary with the support of Centro Cultural de Belém Foundation, Lisbon, and the Portuguese Ministry of Culture / Directorate-General for the Arts. Produced by Lumiar Cité / Maumaus, Lisbon.