Pablo Bartholomew: Affinities

Pablo Bartholomew speaks about his works at Sharjah Biennial 15 as well as those of his late father, Richard Bartholomew.


‘Affinities’ (1958–1980) features a selection of photographs by father and son. Though created over 25 years apart, the images delineate a curiously synchronous relationship between the pair’s individual journeys—one a refugee, the other the child of two refugees, both preoccupied with questions of identity and fascinated by life on the margins.


Not very well known in his own lifetime, photographer and art critic Richard Bartholomew was a prolific voice in India’s modernist movement. His son, Pablo Bartholomew, began practising photography when still young.  By the late 1970s, his photojournalism had provided a global viewership with an unfiltered portrayal of India’s counterculture and the nation’s diaspora.